Film Students Hired Before Graduation!

Before they have even completed their course the first students emerging from AIE’s new Filmmaking program in Canberra have secured employment with Northern Pictures, an award-winning film production company.
Three students completing their second year of study in the Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media have been hired as crew for a new scripted TV comedy show being shot in the Canberra region next month. Congratulations to James Kelly (Grip Department), Nicholas Gaisbauer (Production Assistant/Runner) and Michael Liehne (Unit Department) for getting their first job in the film industry!
AIE Filmmaking Trainer Dan Sanguinetti is extremely proud of his students saying: “Securing employment on this production is a wonderful testament to the industry focus we build within our training as well as the industry connections and experience opportunities we provide through the course”.
The Advanced Diploma combines traditional filmmaking practice with the latest technology and tools that allow students to combine live-action footage with computer graphics in real time using virtual production studios.
Nicholas Gaisbauer is keen to get started in the new role, saying: “I’m immensely grateful to be hired as Production Assistant. This opportunity has become a reality due to the invaluable skills and training which I’ve learnt at AIE.”
AIE joined with the MAPS Film School to launch the world's first filmmaking course to have Virtual Production integrated throughout the course. MAPS Film School has been at the forefront of film production education for over 35 years, training over 1000 people and producing over 1,500 student films. The first Canberran students completing this program will graduate at the end of this year.
The employment of these students proves the ongoing demand for skilled content-creators with cutting-edge skills. The future looks bright for our Filmmakers!