Dan Sanguineti
Dan Sanguineti
Trainer and Curriculum Developer
Dan Sanguineti is an award winning film producer, writer and online content maker. He has produced four feature length films, of which his most recent was 'Me and My Mates vs the Zombie Apocalypse.'
A social media advocate, he has a Master of Creative Writing and a Bachelor Degree in Communication specialising in Media and Multimedia. He is a filmmaking workshop facilitator, and has previously taught film and media at the University of Canberra and at the Canberra Institute of Technology.
He has successfully managed a number of social media crowdfunding campaigns, producing Australian record breaking funding levels on Indiegogo.com.
A staple in Canberra's film and video industry since 2002, he has been a passionate contributor to the growth and development of other aspiring filmmakers. Dan's experience in producing and developing short films, documentaries and feature films has been invaluable both as a mentor and a tutor, joining inclusive filmmaking company Bus Stop Films in 2020.
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Study Films